Scaling Sustainable Solutions: Public and Private Market –How can Investors Actively Allocate Capital?

16 Sep 2021 Organised by: City of London Corporation

This workshop will focus showcasing the initial findings on the second workstream, with the project team, jointly led by Mercer, GoalsFirst and Three Hills Capital Partners, explaining the approaches for investors to implement solutions to scale up sustainable investment and how the net zero pathway may look like for investors in China and in the West.

Recognising the importance of sustainable investing, the UK and China have been working closely to encourage the growth of green and sustainable finance across financial services industry under the UK-China Green Finance Taskforce, established in 2017.

The Taskforce, led by William Russell, Lord Mayor of City of London, and Dr Ma Jun, Chair of China Green Finance Committee, initiated the UK-China ESG Leaders Forum (ELF) in early 2021. The Forum is a practitioner-led initiative to further embed ESG integration into the UK and Chinese investment community as well as to encourage two-way flows of capital investment between the two markets. The Forum focuses on bespoke research to encourage share of best practice that can support UK and Chinese asset owners and managers on their transition journey to sustainable asset allocation. The ELF is a continuation of the Taskforce’s work in accelerating sustainable investment, including the report Resilience: Lessons to Scale Responsible Investing launched last year to examine how asset owners and managers are taking steps to allocate capital to sustainable solutions.

The ELF focuses its research and exchanges in two flagship topics, 1) Value creation of active engagement 2) Scaling ESG solutions for asset owners across asset classes in public and private markets. This workshop will focus showcasing the initial findings on the second workstream, with the project team, jointly led by Mercer, GoalsFirst and Three Hills Capital Partners, explaining the approaches for investors to implement solutions to scale up sustainable investment and how the net zero pathway may look like for investors in China and in the West. 


ELF Workshop — Scaling Sustainable Solutions

The recording of the workshop can be viewed below:

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